Smarter Resources


The Smarter Balanced assessment system provides educators standards-aligned tools and resources to support teaching and learning. It includes a comprehensive suite of standards-aligned interim assessments and a summative assessment, as well as integrated instructional resources.

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Illustration drawing of a teacher standing in front of a chalkboard that reads "Parent Teacher Conference." The teacher is talking to a student who is holding a piece of paper and standing next to his guardians.

Explore resources available to educators and districts in your state

Tools for Teachers by Smarter Balanced logo.

Tools for Teachers

Tailor instruction and boost learning with educator-created lessons, activities, strategies, and professional development.

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Icon of a teacher indicating to a screen with three students sitting in front of the screen.

Interim Assessments

Check student progress throughout the year and develop instructional next steps with these flexible benchmark tests for use in grades 3-8 and HS.

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An icon of a student working on a computer.

Summative Assessments

Determine students’ progress toward college and career readiness with computer adaptive, end of the year test for grades 3-8 and HS.

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Screenshot of the Sample Item website homepage.

Sample Items

Explore sample test questions to understand how Smarter Balanced measures college and career ready content and what students need to know and do.

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Icon illustration of a desktop computer with browsers opened on the screen and a mouse sitting next to the keyboard.

Practice Tests

Use training tests to become familiar with navigation and functionality of Smarter Balanced assessments.

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Screenshot of the Smarter Content Explorer website homepage.

Smarter Content Explorer

Interpret student results by understanding the claims, targets, and standards that are being assessed on the test.

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Screenshot of the Starting Smarter website homepage.

Starting Smarter

Understand a student’s summative test score report and how families can support their child’s learning at home.

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Example of a Geometry-focused Interim Connections Playlist, which uses student performance on interim assessment blocks (IABs).

Interim Connections Playlists

Support teaching and learning by using student performance on interim assessment blocks to help identify instructional resources and next steps.

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Illustration drawings of a calculator and a girl reading Braille.

Accessibility Resources

Ensure equitable access for students with diverse needs with a wide array of built-in accessibility features on summative assessments.

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Screenshot of the homepage of the Smarter Balanced Reporting System website.

Smarter Reporting System

Inform instruction using our interactive reporting platform that connects assessment data and instructional resources in one place.

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Screenshot of the homepage of the Smarter Annotated Response Tool (SmART).

Smarter Annotated Response Tool (SmART)

Understand how student writing is scored on Smarter Balanced assessments and support instruction. Interactive annotations guide the way.

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Screenshot of the homepage of the Calculators website, which features the Smarter Balanced Desmos calculators.

Desmos Calculator

Access free calculators, including scientific and graphing, with embedded accessibility features like embossable braille.

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Illustration of a desktop computer with open browsers on the screen and a printer, overplayed over a yellow illustration dot.

Interim Assessment Item Portal

From Tools for Teachers, quickly find and use interim items in more flexible ways than ever before.

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