New Resources for Parents
Univision Updates Clave al Éxito

Univision is set to release Phase II of its tool for Spanish-speaking parents, Clave al Éxito (Key to Success). This tool is aligned to the Common Core and features the following:
- Grade-by-grade guides on what children should be learning each year
- A Parent Academy with comprehensive videos and tools for parents to engage in their child’s education
- Grade-specific book recommendations
- Direct links to Smarter Balanced practice tests
Clave al Éxito has also recently been updated to provide content in both Spanish and English as well as expanding the resources to facilitate communication between teachers and Spanish-speaking parents. The tool now links directly to Smarter Balanced Practice Tests with plans to connect to the Smarter Balanced Spanish web page and resources.
Multi-language Smarter Balanced Guides
Hawaii has recently released a set of parent guides on College- and Career-Ready Standards and Smarter Balanced assessments on its Core to College website. The guides have been created in a variety of languages to support parents who prefer reading in one of the common languages found in the state. The guides (located under Resources) are currently available in the following languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Chuukese, Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Portuguese, Samoan, Spanish, and Vietnamese