Smarter Balanced Seeking Potential Partners Through Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Process
Deadline to respond is February 8, 2021
Smarter Balanced, is seeking partners who will better help us achieve our vision to support teachers and students. The deadline to respond to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is 5 p.m. Pacific on Monday, February 8, 2021.
The Smarter Balanced assessment system includes a comprehensive suite of standards-aligned assessments and tools. These resources support effective teaching and maximize learning for each individual student. We continually seek to improve tools and services, including instructional supports, interim assessments, and summative assessments.
Organizations interested in working with Smarter Balanced on one or several areas of Smarter Balanced offerings (see Page 5 of the RFQ) should complete and submit information by February 8, 2021. Section 7 of the RFQ describes the required response criteria. Organizations deemed qualified by Smarter Balanced will be invited into regular discussions regarding Smarter Balanced projects and be eligible to propose new collaborations.

About Us
Smarter Balanced is a public agency currently supported by its members. Through the work of thousands of educators, we created an online assessment system aligned to college and career ready standards, as well as instructional resources for educators to help them improve teaching and learning. Smarter Balanced is housed at the University of California Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Extension.