Consistent Feedback, Continuous Improvement
The Smarter Balanced assessment system provides educators with standards-aligned tools and resources to support their teaching and improve student learning.
Our assessment system consists of three major components:

Instructional Supports

Interim Assessments

Summative Assessments
Learn more about the Smarter Balanced assessment system.

Universal Design for Learning
A core principle of the Smarter Balanced system is accessibility for students. Smarter Balanced tests are designed so that test takers—including students who are learning English or have special needs—can participate in the tests and demonstrate what they know and can do.

Fair and Accurate for All Test-Takers
Our end-of-year tests are supported by Computer Adaptive Technology and customized for each student, allowing them to demonstrate what they know and can do. To accomplish this, the computer-based test adjusts the difficulty of questions throughout the assessment based on the student’s response.

Transparency Around How the Test is Made
Smarter Balanced is committed to an unprecedented level of transparency, so that anyone who is interested can see exactly how the test is made. Explore item and task specifications, test blueprints, guidelines and resources, and content specifications.